Monday, May 28, 2012

Writing is Not Easy

Everyone says to me "if you want to write, just sit down and write!"  I tried that but it is difficult.  When I "sit down to write", I'm usually standing.  This because my laptop is sitting on a granite counter top-waist high.  So after a while my feet hurt.   If I sit down at a table to write with my mini-computer, my feet don't hurt, but I become frightened.  This is because I no longer have a physical reason to stop writing.  I have to actually pull words out of my mind and imagination. 
My sister says I should "blog." 
This means I will have to sit on a stool in front of the counter which shelters my laptop.
But if I sit on a stool, I no longer will have any physical reason for not writing, and I will therefore have to tolerate psychic pain--I will have to at least partially, reveal myself.

My most recent obsession, (in addition to a passionate crush on the actor Dan Stevens, Mathew Crawley in "Downton Abbey"), is genetic disease.  "WHAT?", you say.
That's right- genetic disease-very common among Ashkenazi Jews- an ethnic inheritence I have from my father.    I have researched the subject in books and scientific papers published on line and in science magazines and journals.  For example, as of approximately 1979, there were at least 30 such diseases which could be inherited by Ashkenazi Jews, and about 20 by Sephardic Jews.
(I say 1979, because that was when a famous book was published.  It is entitled "Genetic Disorders aong the Jewish People", and was written by Richard Goodman, M. D., at the time Professor of Genetics at Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Aviv University Sackler School of Medicine.)
The reason for these large numbers, is that Jews in the diaspora (Middle East, and Central, Western and Southern Europe) practiced consanguinity- the mating of genetically related individuals.   This resulted in the increase in rare gentically recessive disorders.   I won't get into the reasons why Jews did this - but all I can say is, that my father's parents and his grandparents, were both first cousins - FROM THE SAME FAMILY.
This practice has been slowly disappearing since the end of the 19th Century, because thankfully, Jews are now more relaxed about marrying non-Jews.   And, because, until the Holocaust, Jewish population was increasing.  (Even Orthodox Jews!  My mother's female ancestors did not share any genetic inheritence (DNA) with Ashkenazi, OR Sephardic Jewish women.   Her female deep ancester, her "EVE", and therefore mine and my sister's, is more closely related genetically to the vast majority of non-Jewish women in Europe and Great Britain.  Probably because until recently, late 19th century, women died in childbirth at an alarming rate - so Jewish men took second wives- sometimes from the host country to which they had emigrated, who were then converted to Judaism.  Both my father's father, and my mother's father and grandfather, took second wives.  We don't know who their first wives were- but I recently discovered a whole slew of second and third cousins living in Florida- most of whom I had never heard about!)
Most importantly, there are now deep controversies about whether or not women and men should have their entire genome (genetic inheritence) analyzed, as I have.   People are afraid that any mutations discovered might result, if discovered, in discrimination by insurance companies and employers.  I will discuss the ramifications of these issues in my next blog.

1 comment:

gerri said...

I'm glad you finally did it!